Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I know
I was reading x's myspace and email...not sure how to spin that positively. It seems he has a 24 yr old gf who seems to have a son maybe 3 or 4. I only saw dirty pix between them, no date talk or anything. I am kind of happy for him, because that's a stabalizer and could improve his quality of life and therefore the kids... It always makes me feel a little wierd that someone can love him, and I'm alone, but I don't really feel jealous, just like it wasn't supposed to happen like this.
I am at work waiting for Tamales then going to the grocery store, home, then dr, then dinner w Tets and Takemura and Ethan....Let's see what elese can I take on with a new attitude?
Working out, went to the gym this am with the trainer, didn't go to spin today, could have, but thought I would have gone to get the groceries by now, but the tamales are holding me up. Thought about the food thing a lot, going to see a nutritionist at the begining of next month and maybe that will be a good re start.
Work is back to the feeling of uncertainty. It got a little better, but there is too little communication from the top down. Hopefully I can chill over the next few days. I have to cook tomorrow and finish wrapping gifts! I'll cash in my christmas miracle on getting that all done.
Let's see...dating. I have an interesting prospect from Match, a boston transplant of only 8 months, he sounds cute on the phone, and is funny, giving me a run for it. There's another one who is putting me through the worlds longest interview process, I should have dropped it, but might be interesting to see where it goes. Kinda flirty with a guy at the gym this AM, or I could've been totally wrong and he was smiling cause my stretch marks where showing or he can tell I am trying really hard not to fart ;-) We'll see if I can weazle some sessions at the same date time.
So in addition to reading x's personal correspondence I regularly check scg's facebook. No comments once he commented on a video of Bella I posted, and I replied with a thanks. It's wierd I used to look at the pics and think he was SCG and now I just feel...a little mad, a little dissapointed in him as a person, not towards me but in terms of human potential he is lacking in an important area. IDK-- I care so much less than before, but part of me wants to win, not for any particular reason, except that winning is winning.
Umm OK that's all. The good news is, I am not mad or making the food thing a negative reinforcement party. I have been excercising regularly. I am out and about with little drama or serious effort. So more positive posts to follow....oh yeah..I am kind of wishing I had an audience. It would keep it from being so boring!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
It's been a while
What else? No progress on sex. some progress on fun and stuff, been out and about more. Generally feeling OK, but somehow still the same. Is this is it? That's OK. I've had some really calm drives to work, mind not spining, not wanting, just chill. It's hard to express the half optimism half acceptance state. It's all good.
So tired now! it's only 8. No patience for little miss last 2 nights. Keith's gearing up to be a bit spoiled about his B day...we'll see how that goees tomorrow.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Still Here
That's really the bottom line for me right now, I hardly even entertain the notion of finding someone mentally compatible, or lifestyle compatible, and interesting, and attractive. I'll just take the sex for now, fuck it. I'll work on it, but for Goodness Sake....can't this get resolved?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Kinda standing still
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Today is good
I think sometimes I think my optimism is naive or misguided or fake but just for right now it's not. I want to be lots of things better than I am now, but I am also pretty awesome as is. So I am embracing the optimism, the knowledge that I can and will, and it's out there. Sometimes I can't but for today I can and that is something to smile about and something to pray to replicate. I may not have all that I want, but I can work for anything, I can have what I've got and love it. I can be where I am and smile. Today is good.
Tomorrow I need strength and patience. Dinner with Mom and X-double trouble-also scg's bday...I am thinking no nothing on that, no FB, no email...I will have strength and patience and if I struggle that's OK too, I will forgive myself and others unceasingly tomorrow.
Keith went to mongolian bbq and loved it. He's such a good boy!!! Can't wait to eat there w him...so delicious.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Weird Day
What else...Keith is being a total spoiled shit about walking home from school F that guy. Saying the worst things about Bella and to me. Not going to stand for it.
Wasted most of the day away, not much to show for it or say. Oh yeah, I did work out this AM so that's good....tomorrow spin, maybe trainer again. Wednesday I am hoping it doesnt rain so I can ride my bike all day but we'll see.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I don't know.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Not Sure
Did I mention the guy who read the blog from the singapore office found me on facebook? Funny emails, he's going to Tokyo (married w kids btw).
I went to spin yesterday and it was awesome. Meleah was in a frustrated mood to so she made it all get sweated out.
About a week ago I emailed scg, I knew I would even though I didn't want to. He replied yesterday and the reply was fair to good. It made a lot of the frustration come back. It made me sad. I'm glad there's no bad blood but I have to be careful.I re friended him on facebook. I don't want to get all sucked back in. Dennis and I got in a huge fight about it. I am just about done.I am not sure how I got him in the divorce but he is so incredibly insensitve and when his needs are being met it gets worse. It's hard to discuss with him because it just sounds like sour grapes and maybe it is. How'd he get a girlfriend? He's a dick. I guess lots of girls like dicks (I mean assholes).
I went on a date the other night with someone from Match...he showed up, that was good. He was nice. He's a bit older which alone is not an issue, he wore too much cologne, which alone is not an issue, he likes jimmy buffett which alone is not an issue. I guess you see where I'm going with this. All summed up it's a bit of an issue. I'm not sure how to go about meeting someone else. I have to try the bike rides...I'll have to ask Nan to help me out a few Saturday mornings. I know she'll say yes, which is why I don't even like to ask. That's it.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Some stuff
Still working out like crazy, but not loosing weight, eating randomly, but weighing myself today kinda set me straight. Need to buy lots of fruits and veggies and stick to bringing my lunch.
I guess I thought there was more to say. Some interesting facebook stuff...Old friends with nice things to say. The random coworker who read the blog...always makes me blush thinking of that. I'm trying to call Chris once a week or so....just to stay in touch, alway a laugh, always super sweet.
Date tonight with Match guy. Either you never know, or you can never have enough rejection in your life. Whatever.
There was some other stuff with X and Keith, but it's more of the same. Sad. Makes me focused on staying connected to Keith, spending time with him. He and I went to dinner alone last night, Target, School, this morning too. It was nice. He's a good boy, good heart. Grades are mixed but comming up. Hopefully I can pull of getting this kid into college. That's what it's all about.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Just Because
Keith and Bella with their dad. Keith txting immediately about his dad taking bella's side. Hard stuff. Tomorrow early Gym, then work, back at it. I can see that I am not making a plan, working a plan to distract me from what's really happening. I think that's good.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
WCS Hangover
Thursday, November 6, 2008
ummm ya...WCS PII
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday Part II
Came out of the movies and had a great message from Chris which really feels like home. Someone who knew before and after and gets it and is amazing on his own. I will call him tomorrow, it was late for him already. Great txt from keith too, I see the world is here for me, and it's opening up, I have to open up too....unwind what ever expectations are there so I can have what I don't expect. what I am not expecting could be more.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I can see!
Lasiks worked! The whole procedure was a bit weird, didn't love the logistics of the place, I've got a lot of bruising which looks like blood on the whites of my eyes, but my vision is good and today especially my eyes feel fine. Yesterday I felt like I needed the drops often, but today less so. Yesterday also my near vision wasn't so good, but improved through out the day and today seems no different than with contacts. Crazy. Hard to believe I'm not wearing glasses or contacts any more. Today is the HS reunion. I am so absolutely over the moon about seeing Chris....I am sure it will be fun, I don't think I've been out for pure fun with Shelagh since HS...always at home or w kids. What else? X told me about a fight he and Keith had, keith is totally tuned into the fact that he cares about himself...and keith's decided x is a dick so is forcing him into acting like that and it's working. Made me super sad, didn't sleep so well thinking about it. My heart just swells and aches for Keith. I can steer him, but not sure how open/honest to be with him about my opinion's of his dad. Nan was saying she had to give me the real deal on my mom, and that helped but I was a few years older. Anyway that's today. Keith's off restriction, gotta give him a little room, but not enough to get in more trouble.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What else? Not a lot...the whole lonely vibe is still lingering, I have a whole lot of nothing going on. After some of this upcoming travel I need to try and get out more locally just for social reasons. No nothing from scg for a few days. No big woop, but a clear reminder I have a whole lot of nothing going on socially. Also I think my love affair with spin comes from all pent up sexual energy. Not sure what will happen with New York, betting he doesn't show. Whatever.
Leaving work early to take little miss to dance, she gets to wear her costume which will be fun. Tomorrow Lasiks.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Not a lot is going on w me
any way pretty much all is well...might go to the movies alone tonight, might go to yoga. I think it will be too dark to ride my bike by the time the kids are both gone. I could go to gym then movies...that's the plan.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Since You Asked...
I'm back. It is a beautiful morning. A mockingbird is singing.
Dear Cary,
I am a 35-year-old woman who has consistently avoided serious relationships. Few relationships with men felt "right" or worth the effort, and those that did somehow ended in disappointment.
I have been dating a guy for about 10 months, and until recently, I was not taking our relationship very seriously (I am about to move), but he has been ramping up the pressure. We have fun together, but as with earlier boyfriends, he doesn't really feel like home to me. Previously, I have tried to defer the issue with him, but this weekend I began to think seriously about making a commitment to him -- and I got really depressed. Here's my question -- should I move forward with him and expect the depression to fade with the fabled wonders of coupledom, or should I repeat my previous pattern and flee quickly?
As an aside, I am currently in a difficult place, professionally (finishing a dissertation, job hunting), and am reluctant to take on something that will tax my frayed emotional reserves.
Thank you,
Clinging to Spinsterhood
Dear Clinging,
What if I said that it's fine to date around a little bit when you're young, but by age 35 you'd better settle for whatever man you can find? What if I said, All women eventually must become wives and mothers, so what are you waiting for?
What if a friend of yours said, "Well, the thought of committing to this guy made me feel depressed, but I did it anyway because, hey, maybe coupledom will make me happy"?
You'd be outraged, no?
Is being single nothing more than a dismal holding pattern women occupy prior to being rescued by a man's devotion? Is it every man's duty, when he has been dating a woman for a number of months, to begin "ramping up the pressure" to ensure her swift betrothal?
Imagine being an independent, self-sufficient woman with a number of relationships whose intensity and duration are negotiated according to the shifting needs and circumstances of the individuals involved. What's wrong with that kind of life?
It sounds like a good kind of life to me. It sounds like the life of a single woman.
So I suggest that you declare yourself unabashedly, consciously, deliberately single. Not single until the right man comes along. Not single as a regrettable consequence of a series of failed relationships. Not single as in poor lonesome spinster who can't land a man. Single as in free, self-sufficient, independent, committed to growth, happy and OK with who I am. Single as in maybe I'm free tonight and maybe I'm not. Single as in I control my own time. Single as in I have choices. Single as in I like you a lot and I will try to meet you halfway but this is my bed and I have to be somewhere in the morning.
Here is something about the post-feminist world to consider. Women's gains in the 1970s and 1980s came through personal struggle. Women worked individually and in groups to untangle the mess of unspoken assumptions governing their daily lives. It was difficult, sometimes heartbreaking work. It came between women and the men they loved. It disrupted family lives and work lives. It was personal, messy and dirty. Only after this work was done was it possible to change laws and institutions.
Men also worked hard to change how they treated women. It was not easy. It was like learning how to walk again.
Out of this hard work came new assumptions and new laws. But it didn't wipe out sexism. It didn't change how families raise children or what we learn from our parents and grandparents or how we can manipulate each other's desires and fears to get what we want.
Consider this analogy. Psychotherapy has changed many individuals. But your mother's psychotherapy will not protect you from life's struggles any more than your mother's feminism will inoculate you against the difficulties of negotiating your freedom as a woman. You have to consciously seize that freedom just as women before you had to. It is still necessary for individuals to find their own truths and uncover their own biases and hidden agendas.
In your current and past relationships, when you reached a point of conflict, rather than negotiate or compromise, you fled. I don't think in this instance you need to capitulate or flee. You can negotiate. You can declare yourself a free, single woman. You can say you like things just the way they are and wish to continue as they are.
He may not want you on those terms. That is his choice. But the idea that "coupledom" will somehow make all these difficult choices disappear is nothing but wishful thinking.
Declare yourself single!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today was fine....feeling old habits trying to resurface and will just have to accept that, and stay aware of it. Stupid stuff, grasping, craving, all part of the human condition, but not helping me right now. Went to spin with Tets and it was , haven't been to one of Maleah's classes since she went to her event, so great to see her, great to have Tets there, made the energy really good, came back to work happy, relaxed. Picked up kids and ate, home and they were well behaved...thank goodness, cause last night sucked. Im'd w SCG today which was nice, covered some other stuff, like WTF seeing each other, but we'll see if he shows in NY.
Went to see Stevie Nicks and she was awesome, I hadn't seen her since the whole TX and weekend after cluster fuck. She was OK with me still communicating with him, with caution obviously. I hadn't been in so long, I needed to get all of that out with her. I also need to save some stuff for her instead of dragging everyone into it...next time.
PS my labels are so depressing. can't keep using them.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Comfortable Grateful and Happy
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sleeeeepy Sleeeepy Sleeeeepy
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
im'd with scg for a while this morning (he found me). Daughter is fine, but they are all a bit shaken up still. Tried to be big about it, glad he was able to get the call in time to go to her, vs. when he landed. That is all true. He apologized and we talked a little about why Tets was mad at me, and just chat. Going to remember that IM isn't real communication, and told him my lesson was not to make plans...sometimes things have to happen because they are supposed to not because you make them happen. Working hard to see that going over and over all of it is not helping me experience anything new.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
I am right back where I started. like Radiohead...15 steps. I guess this is where I need to be, I haven't figured something out yet. It is just lonely. that's all really. I don't want to stay home and watch tv forever, I want some one to care about and someone to care about me. I'm totally OK with it not being this guy, I am too big and have to much to offer for anything less than my vision, but it's far away. It's not visible from here, and being sad and lonely is not anywhere I want to be. UGGG.
Also work fucking sucks. I am not sure I've ever been at the bottom of the cycle like this before. Even when x was here work was good. I need to be humble, I need to accept that this is where I am supposed to be.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
guess what? It gets worse
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
still shitty
Monday, October 6, 2008
I really don't want to document this
Saturday, October 4, 2008
another candle lit meal
I Must Chill
Saturday, September 27, 2008
From a cop about keith and then keith saying he was in trouble. he stole a bike with a friend and the parents were talking to a cop about their kids missing bike and then see Keith and his friend on it. I can't even explain how sick the whole thing makes me. I yelled and screamed at him...sent his dad over to do the same thing. I don't even know what to do about any of it. I haven't spoken to the police yet so waiting to find out what will become of that before I bring down the hammer. It's so embarassing to me. I have a kid who steals? Who doesn't know right from wrong? Who the F is this kid? Really deaply disturbing. Totally at a loss for what to do that will work. I know what to do for punishment, but what will work? FUCK! HELP! I knew something would eventually happen when I was gone and it's just maddening that he would make this kind of decision while I was gone, let alone make it at all. More on that to come.
so that kinda made the last night in Vegas wierd. I had foo fighters tickets so that was super fun! Drank, sang, jumped around, people watched. Ate too much.
And now we come to the part of our post where I recount my recent communication with super cute guy. He is making me feel very warm and fuzzy inside. Been talking about lots of stuff. Next week at this time I'll be hanging out with him after his race! I feel like a grown up about some of it in new ways too. He's trying to get his daughter to the event and instead of feeling like a brat who can't get her way (sleeping with him) I think it's awesome and special and important. There's another girl who quit and works with him now and lives near him. I know they are close and nothings going between the two of them, but she's not too happily married (according tohim) and definitely very protective of him and if his daughter goes to the race she's bringing her. It seems like an opportunity just to be a part of something with him. then the next week he's going to visit me which makes me feel excited and happy and warm. all good stuff that I want more of :)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Good stuff
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Open Letter to Blogger and My Future Boyfriend
So to my future boyfriend, who ever you are, SCG or yet to be known, a few things I feel I need to get off my chest.
1. You should plan on calling me everyday, just hey, not a lot of time. Maybe every other day. Please know special circumstance will apply to each of us.
2. I have a lot to offer, please be willing to receive it.
3. Please have a lot to offer
4. Basically I want to give a fuck about someone, and I want to know that someone gives a fuck about me. Simple. Sound OK?
5. Please don't make me go >30 days with out sex. It's not good for anyone
6. I promise I will think you're awesome and tell you, could you please let me know the same? (see #1-simple call lets me know)
7. whatever
Friday, September 19, 2008
I haven't heard from SCG since Tuesday which fucking sucks but it is so part of the aforementioned struggeling alone. I finally was able to explain it, it's not that he's the one, it's not "him" its the list of qualities vs. the list of prospects in the past. Facts (ie the plan) just tell me they can't be replicated, but I can't make it happen from just sheer will, he has to participate. Which is really interesting because I have always beleived that I made everything happen with ex work husband by sheer will, I forced it, he didn't actively particpate, he just failed to say no. Which is not true, I think I say that to prevent myself from feeling hurt that it didn't work, or that it may have been the real thing. Which I believed at the time, but don't now. We're both fine in different directions and when I see him there is the curiosity of How Did That Happen....how did we escape and survive. I hadn't really put that together before...He didn't fail to say no...he cared too and it still wouldn't have worked.
So what now? I really don't know, no clue. Currently shopping, drinking, exercising, working, blog fill some void, really just fill the hours, but I am doing my best. That I can say for sure. That has to be enough for me.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hi my name is Marni andso
Not enough hours in the day
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Work sucks right now. The atmosphere is going down hill. Boss is complaining openly and with great hostility about voldemort. It's nothing I didn't already believe but totally disheartening to hear it. What if he leaves? Who's my buffer? HTF would I get through that? We'll see. Tets was in my office for the full dump by boss, part of me never wanted him to know, but the other part of me was glad. First thing he said, was is this what's been going on for the last 2 weeks...I said yes...he said..OK I get what's going on with you. Relieved that he gets it. Last couple of nights I've had the worst headache...I know it's work but also sinuses.
I was supposed to go to see Black Crows w marie tomorrow night and it's cancelled! WTF? Is that allowed? I'm still going to drive up, we'll have dinner and I'll meet the dog. A little glad I won't be out so late.
I'm not sure about anything else really. SCG pretty much out of touch...I txt'd he replied by email, but both mine and his one liners...voldemort quote. I know what to ask for, I know what I want, I want it to be him but that parts hard to say. I want all big things, I want to be all in and I want someone to like it and give it back. That part feels emotional, afraid of someone not wanting it. The human condition. Deleted all profiles though, so that's a good thing. Even in all the frustration of work and kids of the last few days/weeks I always know I want a boyfriend. I want someone to give a fuck. We'll see...we'll see...we'll see. Next week Vegas w Marie!!! Fun! fun! Fun! Can't wait. A little work and I hope a lot of fun.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Workity work work
What else, got some work done, blah blah blah. I went to the movies alone last night, it was not bad. Totally better than staying home alone. Feels like I am kind of getting it. BUT of course I'm hoping/willing/watching for an email from SCG...I know he's traveling so I am totally chilling, I'm just saying is all...I do see that I maybe too available. I totally not want to relive the scene from swingers. I am still so sore from the trainer. He wants me to call him about signing up. I'm not sure what to do about that. I need the work out, and the goal of -25 by Bday is approaching. I guess I can always stop but it seems like breaking up would be harder than making sure he's the right one. I wanted someone who was more bike or goal oriented...like run faster, bike better, do a triathalon.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
What else? Watching baby momma, it's funny. Emailed SCG unsolicited, but no response in the last hour and a half. whatev's it's so funny to even read that, like that defines anything.
I guy I used to work with emailed me a few weeks ago on facebook, said he was comming to town this week. I said I'd get a group together and we'd go to dinner or drinks. So I emailed him thursdya or friday and asked when he was going to be around. He emailed me today and said he'd be here tomorrow (sunday) and drive up from San Diego if I'm free...I don't want to sleep with him and it could totally turn out to be that expectaion. we're both single...we've been out drininking and being stupid in the past, but he was always humping Marie's leg. I can't get a group together on a Sunday night. I can just flake, not call, not email. But the other thing is I have nothing to do tomorrow night. I'll flake unless theirs a 2nd message. Also have totally flaked on the last online guy. Basically fuck that guy. I don't care.
Apparently I am tina fey...date at the batting cages, first date sex, then romance. I should sue.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Had too much sushi, just enough beer and sake and now home watching Mad Men which I am enjoying regularly. Works OK...went to Spin with a different instructor today which was a good change and gym w jenn and ev in the morning. I apologized to Evelyn this am, she didn't think twice about it, so that's good.
A couple of emails w SCG today, just feel good about where it's at, hopefully it will stay where it's at or move on a bit.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
You know...Thursday
I hate teenagers, nothing new, I always have, but now I have to live with one which can fucking suck. I read his myspace messages the other day and there was something between him and one of his friends about smoking cigarettes...so I called him on it and he admitted it and I ordered a bunch of tests off the internet. So today I read his IM log and he's still talking to the same fucking kid about the same shit. So I have to give him the tests tonight and signs say he will fail and I don't want to deal with it. basically I want him to give a fuck about what I think and behave himself. So we'll see. I can hope for the best but I know better.
so much fun back and forth with SCG over the last few days. I told him I can't do the whole bike event and asked if he'd hang out with me for a few days instead...I leave on Sunday and he said yes, so that's nice. lots of little things in the right direction. he is really super cute...and I am super gay.
Dinner w Jenn and Ev and her husband. I said everything possible wrong for Ev and Tim...total ass. I hope they're not fighting right now. I think my weekend pool privledges are revoked.
UPDATE...failed cigarettes, passed pot. wheww...retake in 2 weeks since the test can detect for that long. I feel like an ass for doing it, but had to know. Gave him shit for lying about the phone, did let him know I can read IM's too...which probably would have been best left unsaid but whatever.
I'm going to try and get up early for the gym. Hopefully I'll sleep well.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I should be working
I still hate online dating. I apparently I've answered the eharmony questions in the white trash category and I am getting all 45 yr old inland empire types with mustaches. Like I said it feels like that's how I view myself. I can't stand it. I did see a cute guy on match, but my profile is so sucky and I have no desire to revisit it. ANYWAY. SCG called yesterday which was a nice surprise, talked about kids/work nothing earth shattering...I called him back after investigating a former coworkers current status, he didn't answer, left a message, he called right back. I am not sure about some of the stuff I said in chat the other night, good move or bad, but my moves are old and dusty so it's all I got.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Post with No Title
These nights are the toughest...no kids, phone doesn't ring, I really really tried to just sit with it tonight. I made it about an hour without checking the PC...and here I am. I don't know what I want to happen but it feels useless to even name it, it feels like I gotta take my medicine for a while. I am not sure why I feel like that. Even when I want to name SCG or something similar it's feels like I shouldn't ask.
I IM'd for a long time with SCG last night, not at home w wife which was good news, but as I already knew whanting something to grow from what it was a month ago cannot happen by my will alone. So remember I have to chill. I forgot to mention how hideous online dating is...each site is worse than the last it makes me feel like I have no self respect, like I am what the sites are. Right back to how am I supposed to meet someone of quality.
I might get up really early and ride before I take keith to school, I have to be at the lawyer at 10 and it's about an hour away...I might be able to do it after I take him...730 to 815? not sure I gotta leave by 915. Then work, then lather rinse repeat.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Saturday and I'm not
Friday, September 5, 2008
I am so predictable
Thursday, September 4, 2008
So I am so very gay I called SCG (super cute guy) and...he didn't answer...and I left a message....and no return call. He sent an email with me in bcc about some old work shit...but now I am learning that the rules are there for a reason. Whatever. I'm home alone, kids with Krypt, and I should shower and go to bed...gonna finish a glass of wine and watch some DVR and mostly will a personal email to arrive, you know Thursday.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
So tonight I made dinner for the kids and I, drank a glass of whine (hence the sleepy). Little miss is getting tired...I hope she goes to sleep early. I don't think I'm gonna make it until after 9.
I need some good books to read. I have been through so many lately, and the new crop isn't holding my attention. I'd also like to take a moment and appreciate some of my hard work. I am changing my body and that has been something I haven't been able to accomplish until now. I am working hard at it and have made it a total priority. yay me.
JD's in town and wants to go kyaking this weekend, I am totally up for it, but I don't really wanna go alone with him. Maybe I can get Jenn and Ev to go too. I miss Tets! If he were here it would be a given, he'd go with.
So tonights gonna hurt if I've been up this long. We'll see how the day goes.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Back to Routine
Little miss did just fine at school today, claims she doesn't want Saturday and Sunday off. We'll see how long that lasts. Keith did fine, went on his own, came home on his own, just chilling at home. No crazy expectations to go or do anything extra like in the summer.
Not much else to report, I talked to Ethan about super cute guy and he confirmed he's still at home w wife but moving on divorce. I guess I knew that, and it explains no calls, but damn it! Still holding to plan of just chilling until we see each other in person. I was going to call him today to see how the first day went at the new place, but did not. No need. I do need a date for the foo fighters in Vegas but the chance of a no is too high, I'll figure it out. So that's about it.....blah blah blah. Here's me and my feelings -just kidding, just seems kinda funny.
Monday, September 1, 2008
A little better now

I feel good about that whole thing...I'm going to come back and read that when I am willing the light to blink later tonight.
Tomorrow is the first day of school for little miss. Meeting ex there for the morning show of solidarity, which she thinks is awesome. The teacher asked us to bring a photo of her family to school tomorrow, so the 4 of us took one outside of his house. Fairly painless, and makes her happy. Must delete off of camera to prevent future illness, however ;-)
Went on a good bike ride today, was trying to go a route I had with the sand canyon girls but took a wrong turn and ended at 1.5 hours instead of a full 2, but road hard the whole time and went up and over Redhill which is something I had been wanting to do.
I don't know why it even makes me sad, but it does. It feels like I have 2 options, keep putting myself out there and feel pain, or retreat and feel bitterness. fuck it. done. sad. over it.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
uh oh
Saturday, August 30, 2008
drinking alone
But alas we do not. I had a great conversation with Bella about drag queens, wanted to know my drag queen name. I went for Hello Kitty or International Woman of Mystery. She choose Sugar. Not bad for 5. it's about time we had a good drag queen conversation. I mean she is 5. Thank God for Project Runway, brining families together. So here's a list of openers I would email super cute guy if I wasn't holding out....
Hey I'm drunk...so I'm super funny and super pretty right now.
What the F is going on with you? Why can't you call?
What would you do to me if you were here...
I am moderately obsessively checking email...willing the little red light on the blackberry to blink. Somethings will alone cannot create. BUT Dennis's GF emailed with words of solidarity and I currently have only 49 min left before I can got to bed, so things are looking up.
WTF Is Going On With Me Today?

I have a lot of anxiety today. Maybe it's lack of sleep, I am channeling it all at work, like things are bad, or things are going to be bad next week. It's not logical, there's no new information or reasons to think that's the case. If I could I'd have a stiff drink and take a nap and see if that killed it, but child care prevents alcohol related strategies. So I am doing some work, hoping that will take the edge off. Like if I have my arms around it, it will feel better. Oy! Arggg! AHHH! Blurg! I don't know what the fuck is going on with me today. I went to the gym w jenn and evelyn, then breakfast, that was all good. Then Bella and I went to Target and I've been home for an hour and a half or so doing some work. Still have to go to the grocery store...I also have to get a bunch of paperwork together for the lawyer and get the taxes done...maybe it's all of that and being home and knowing I gotta get it together. It does seem like a lot of crappy stuff when I write it out. baby steps...
Can't Sleep
I am seeing myself looking for something in other people almost all of the time, then when they don't provide what I think I need I am disappointed. What about not wanting something ? What about taking what is given as it comes? I don't know. It's not about anyone else clearly, but extracting one from the other is messy. I am tired of all of this, it's almost exactly like masturbation...satisfying to a degree, but then not so much. OK I feel like I should pull myself out of this. What about the bike and those great feelings? What about seeing Dennis, Ethan, Tets and being happy to be their friend and seeing the same in them? What about Bella in my bed just wanting to have her hand on me...what about the beautiful full moon waiting for me. What else? How do I become my own first choice?
Friday, August 29, 2008
I Heart My Bike
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I am so tired now, but have 6 hrs to go to stay awake.
Lots of emails with super cute guy. He's doing an Ironman in Oct in Texas, and I'll be there for transform, so definitely going to cheer him on. I want him to call me, that would make me feel like it's mutual. A few too many drunk emails initiated by me over the last 2 weeks. I thought a lot about what's going on during the flight home. It's all good and I know I want to pursue things with him, he simply makes me completely disinterested in anyone else. But I also know I can't do all the work, and I can see how me initiating could be a total turn off. I also know I need to be on my own when I'm alone and not filling my mind what if's. I was thinking about what I want. I want to be someone's #1, and I want to be my own #1. So I am working on that!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Funniest Thing Ever
Part I
They met at the fixed time. On a miniature bridge in a giant city. There was love seat for two nearby. It was a striking monument of the quiet wisdom that emanated from a silent man with much to say.
He seated himself at a respectable distance and cleared his throat.
“Why, he’s nervous, just like me,” she thought. She was happy that he was not like the other salarymen in Tokyo. Those who followed the rules and bowed on command.
“Kon bon wa,” he croaked. His voice was raspy. “Doesn’t matter,” she told herself.
“Kon bon wa!” she crooned.
His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. She looked even more beautiful today. Her eyes were like those of a deer. And she had such long eyelashes. When she lowered them, they cast mysterious shadows on her cheeks.
Her nose was delicate and straight. Her lips were perfectly shaped; her mouth, a little wide. Her jet black hair shone with a gleam as she moved her head. Her skin had a healthy glow to it. He observed all this while she made a pretext of playing with the edges of her 3G capable Blackberry.
“Well, er… do you like me?” he asked.
She looked at him. His hair was combed to perfection with a perfectly respectable side parting. His nose was aquiline. His eyes were two expressive pools of black. Funny, she’d not noticed that they had so much character in them. His appointment book was neatly tucked into his breast pocket. His mouth … She hastily averted her gaze.
“You know I do!”
“When I saw you on the first day of JIMA, I fell for you. You seemed to mesmerize me by the way you smiled and spoke.”
She remembered. That was three years ago. She had asked him for directions to the one ATM in the city that works. During this period, they had not exchanged more than a few words. But whenever they chanced upon each other: at the AIIM shows, in the demos, in the corridors with no pictures or color … they exchanged silent unspoken messages. Clearly they were attracted to each other.
“Even I felt the same. I was instantly pulled towards you,” she blushed as she spoke. “Every night, I would think of you, wondering whether you would speak with me the next day,” she smiled at the memory.
“And when you did not attend the ARMA show for one whole year, I felt as if my heart would break,” he said softly.
She knew that he would miss her the most. She had fallen sick and had remembered him in each moment of her weakness.
“And when I recovered, I saw you helping my best friend with his perfect PFU factory walking speed,” she shot him an accusing look…
Part II
…”How could she fall for a man who sweats more than a sumo wrestler on a Friendly airport bus?”, he wondered. “He’s a slight man from Osaka who would throw away everything for round eyes and a white girlfriend.” This International Business Woman deserved more than this, he thought.
He summoned the courage to speak to her again, thankfully his English was always better when he was horny. He smoothed the soft fabric of his blazer to mentally prepare himself for the battle ahead. His mind wandered, “…I’ve worn this blazer every day of my life and I’ve never been able to decide if it is green or blue..” It was time to make his move. He floated towards her with the grace and speed of a Shinkansen. Nothing could stop him now…
She watched tremulously as he approached her. He took her hand in his as they sauntered over to the bar. “Irashimashe!” the bartender blurted, she felt both proud of herself and guilty for ignoring him for just enough time to draw the word out in her head in Hiragana. What would you like Ms.? “I’ll take a shot of Jameson, leave the bottle”, and for you sir, “For reraxing times, it’s Suntory time”. It was the corniest and most beautiful moment of the evening.
My only wish is that there are others out there who get how fucking funny and frighteningly accurate this is.
A few things....
Next I must document my love of Ramen and my visit to Ramen Town! Working on getting video done and linked.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Lots and Lots of Little Stuff
The candidate we interviewed yesterday might be the right one. He is Japanese but born in Belgium!!! Can you believe that? So crazy. He's a little awkward and needy, but that's a good thing when you want someone to work hard. He's regarded as arrogant here which is so strange, last thing I'd use to describe him. They use Agencies here exclusively to hire, so we met with the rep from the Agency, who was from Buhtan, so interesting. I wanted to talk to him forever, I wanted him to take me there immediately. We went to dinner with the Kofax Japan peeps and then took them to Penguin Jacks which is undoubtedly the best bar in the world. Maybe a drank a little much...the soju strategy is good for calories but that shit sneaks up on you. I was feeling a little yucky this AM but it has passed. I did some heavy lifting for work today, so feeling productive, in the room to cool off and so Tets can nap--gotta keep him in good health this trip.
Still emailing with super cute guy which feels sweet. We'll see if it sustains. He's definitely in for the bike ride, so I can look forward to that. I was explaining the Buhtan thing and he had tried to go there, spent a month around everest about 10 years ago...nice surprise. Crazy that he has a brain, kinda artsy, liberal, and works in the same industry. Anyway I don't need to make him any better than he is, that's just leading to the wrong expectations. I sent him a link to a video of last night, we'll see if he watches. He asked me what exactly it is that I do, which made me laugh. Eat, drink, hang out with Tets, site see..you know average work week.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
This is what tomorrow looks like
I am in Japan, it's almost 7 here, going to hit the gym, then breakfast, then a little work, and I mean very little. I think they are finally going to restore the other blog...but now I'd have to figure out how to migrate, and I kinda like that this one doesn't have all that BS about Tets, which seems lame now.
Anyway I broke the rules and emailed super cute guy and we've been going back and forth for a few hours, just friendly. So I think I have it in perspective. I also have been thinking a lot more about being alone which isn't comfortable but I have to be where I am, so for now that is that.
I really want to talk to Keith. I haven't for 3 days, but I will see him in a few. I know he's fine, but its super weird to think that he's here now, and so am I but we're not together. Lots of fun stuff planned for next week.
Monday, August 18, 2008
It's Admirals Club Time!!
I am waiting to depart to Japan...then a little work and then get Keith! I am starting to totally miss him. Read funny messages from his friends, they are missing him too. What else? Went for a short bike ride then finished getting ready to go. I was really floundering on the bike ride, getting out of bed etc. So glad I did, just around the back bay, less than an hour, but reminded me what I love about the bike, which I haven't seen for the last few rides. Went home and stretched, (before also), so the back is better, preparing to sit in coach for 10+ hours-yuck. Upgrade price went up to $400!!! Doood! I cant afford that shit. I gotta budget better so I can pay it-work isn't covering it any more. I think after this trip I'll be executive platinum so should get some free ones. That's about it...feeling OK otherwise.
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just got back from the date with the Asian guy...it just seemed like he wasn't into it. Like it wasn't worth the drive for him. Part of me thinks I could've been more flirty but that's just somehow unnatural immediately. Conversation seemed easy enough, dinner, a little walk on the beach...then he was outta there. It's just relentless. If I wanted all this rejection I would've become an actress. I know how it's supposed to feel, and this guy didn't bring that, but what seems sooososososooso impossible is creating the right circumstances to find how it's supposed to be. So that's that. I am kinda tempted to break all the rules and email super cute guy...but a lame response or none would be too much to take.
I was driving home feeling sorry for myself and turned right up Newport Coast to measure the miles from my ride the other day (2 up hill, ~800 ft climb) and the moon was big and beautiful and made me remember that the universe does want me to be happy. A sign of beauty and serendipity that made me smile. In a way I know I am back where I am supposed to be, chilling, doing my thing, opening up to all the happy accidents that await, but it's hard not to be lonely while being alone.