I think these are my witching hours...around 9-11 so I am going to just accept that. I am seeing clearly that you can't make someone the one because the signs add up, the actions really have to also. Super cute guy may turn out to be, but he's not obligated to be on my schedule or immediately meet my needs. I can't ask anything of him, I can only judge if it's worth persuing or considering based on his actions . For now it's better than the internet guys, but something will have to move in the near future for that status to maintain. I think I need to go back to my original plan of chilling until October and then talking in person about stuff, really just to get to know each other better. Until then the correspondence is welcome, friendly and does not qualify as actions.
I feel good about that whole thing...I'm going to come back and read that when I am willing the light to blink later tonight.
Tomorrow is the first day of school for little miss. Meeting ex there for the morning show of solidarity, which she thinks is awesome. The teacher asked us to bring a photo of her family to school tomorrow, so the 4 of us took one outside of his house. Fairly painless, and makes her happy. Must delete off of camera to prevent future illness, however ;-)
Went on a good bike ride today, was trying to go a route I had with the sand canyon girls but took a wrong turn and ended at 1.5 hours instead of a full 2, but road hard the whole time and went up and over Redhill which is something I had been wanting to do.
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