Sunday, September 7, 2008

Post with No Title

I got some lingering stuff done today. Taxes, stuff for the lawyer, it gave me a headache and will cost me about 4k but it's better to be done. I have to decide if I'm gonna ask Krypt to pay 1/2 the taxes or not. I went to the movies with JD to see the Dark Night in Imax and the movie died about 35 min in. I'll never see the end of it. It was a little datish but he's funny so of course he was making it as awkward as possible.

These nights are the kids, phone doesn't ring, I really really tried to just sit with it tonight. I made it about an hour without checking the PC...and here I am. I don't know what I want to happen but it feels useless to even name it, it feels like I gotta take my medicine for a while. I am not sure why I feel like that. Even when I want to name SCG or something similar it's feels like I shouldn't ask.

I IM'd for a long time with SCG last night, not at home w wife which was good news, but as I already knew whanting something to grow from what it was a month ago cannot happen by my will alone. So remember I have to chill. I forgot to mention how hideous online dating is...each site is worse than the last it makes me feel like I have no self respect, like I am what the sites are. Right back to how am I supposed to meet someone of quality.

I might get up really early and ride before I take keith to school, I have to be at the lawyer at 10 and it's about an hour away...I might be able to do it after I take him...730 to 815? not sure I gotta leave by 915. Then work, then lather rinse repeat.

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