Friday, August 22, 2008


I just got up from a nap...the consequences of getting up at 430 after going to bed after 12. It's really lucky the schedules flexible this trip. We are going to see our candidate again tomorrow and then finally get Keith. I haven't talked to him in going on 3 days which is hard. Last night back to our bar, but present was one of our least favorite singers. A girl who is good, but just not the same soul as the rest, and she seems to be doing it for attention vs. love of the game, especially in English, but better in Japanese. Afterwards came back to the room and lots of lovely emails with super cute guy. Initiated by him asking how my meetings went. I had sent him the link to the video from the night before and he commented on Bella, I didn't know how he saw her, but there's another public photo album with pics of here. sweet about me, my eyes, smile etc. You can just never get enough of that. I said I really didn't want him to change jobs, that he and I had stuff to do...he didn't know what I meant so I had to explain further, after I already thought I said too much, but just came out with, we should spend more time together, and get to know each other better. He said we can do that no matter what, which was obviously the right thing to hear. So I'm just trying to be where that is, not 10 steps ahead. I can't believe I am going to be here for 6 more days...I am hoping its not too much time for Keith, that we don't feel over it.

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