Thursday, September 18, 2008

Not enough hours in the day

I've got a lot to try and squeeze in, haircut, spin, work. Not sure how to get it all done. I've got one more work thing I wanted to have done by now, but I need to shower and go, and I'm afraid my disorganization will make it take too long to find the base information to get it done. I went to dinner w Marie last night to a hotel with a beautiful roof top bar, a little sushi, a lot of sake, then I went to her place to see the puppy. Then home by 11. I went and saw Stevie Nicks yesterday which was helpfull...lot's about Keith and a little about work an SCG. She is very positive about that situation, but I am still struggeling. it's so weird to, I am struggling alone, it's just me causing it and experiencing it, no one else is involved. A couple of emails yesterday...nothing else. I feel dumb, why expecations, why not just have what I have. I did start asking for this one to work. We'll see. Still another 3 weeks before Texas. OK I have to shower.

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