Tuesday, August 12, 2008

this blog sucks

Dude they shut down my blot WTFIGOWM? Just when I am trying not to waste my time on internet dating sites, just when I am trying on to be sad about super cute guy, I am totally white knuckling it!

So now I'm drinking alone, never a good sign, but it's reality. Tomorrow keith leaves for Japan!!! He's not too happy, but he'll survive.

No emails no calls from super cute guy. Why does it make me sad? Isn't it supposed to make me feel like I am so awesome he's missing out? That's what I've been reading, anyway. Why isn't it it like that automatically, how do I convince myself? Why doesn't anything go anywhere? Why doesn't someone give a fuck about me? This sucks!!! Went to lunch w Marie, which was lovely, great food, good company. She's says she feels the same, but the bottom line is she's not alone.

Well that's mostly it. !!!!! I am frustrated and am trying just to sit with it, but it's tough. Finding stupid reasons to email, I hate that. Just one more point of no response. I know the rules! Fuck!

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