Wednesday, August 13, 2008

2nd post on sucky blog

I am totally pissed they haven't fixed my blog situation. Took Keith to the airport with Lindsey today. They would only let one of us go threw security with him so Lindsey went. I couldn't deal with the rejection of driving home with him after he waited outside for 1/2 an hour, and it shows Keith a united front. I am not worried about Keith, but I will really miss him and hope he doesn't take after his mom and get all weepy on an airplane.

I am feeling remarkably hopeless today. How am I supposed to meet anyone? How am I supposed to waste my time with the guys on the internet? I am just over it. I know other people can't fix my stuff, but it does feel like super cute guy could help in this situation, whatever. I don't exactly know why I would expect that, but I want to hopeful about life in general, which requires some level of expectations. :(

Always turns out the same. This time is a little worse, because I wasn't settling and I didn't force it. FUCK!

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